Aid Required For first Linux NAS Build


looking for a bit of advice or help :slight_smile:

normally I’m fine with Linux based stuff but iv hit a bit of a road bump Been trying to install/get drivers for a HBA 9217-8i in Raid mode as I cant find the card at all not sure what to do going from hear.

once I can get the card showing up I plan to flash it to IT mode but that’s a question for later

so I though to ask hear as this community is helpful, kind and just plan awesome.

LSI was bought by Broadcom, so here’s a link:
And here’s a related question on a friendly platform:

Might be interesting in your quest to find the driver(s) you need.



Finally got round to doing the firmware flash turns out i was doing it all wrong the first few attempts :smiley:

Though I got lucky and never bricked it :stuck_out_tongue: even with the power cut that happened as I was just about to do it :smiley:

thank you @Dutch_Master for pointing me in the direction of the correct docs made a lot more sense than what I was trying to follow :slight_smile: