Hey i have some scraps laying around and putting together a system for a family member they dont need much a p4 3.0Ghz (HT) with 2GB-4GB of ram, 40GB (OS HD), 160GB (storage HD), DVD-RW-Blue Ray Drive and a open agp slot is the system honestly.. The thing is im stuck, because they will be running XP maybe win 7 when it comes out but they would like to watch HD movies, stream HD movies... What would be a good choice for a AGP card without breaking the bank? Also if anything price doesnt matter, i just honestly wouldnt want to pay as much as a pci-e video card, if i have to i will but i dont think it makes much sense... Any ideas?
There you go! ATI has great cards for media centers and this one already has hdmi on the card and the audio goes right through it as well so everything is already set on there. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125281 :)
lol wow i cant belive i forgot this but what if i only got a 250-350watt PSU with no 6 pin connector? will molex adapters be sufficent or should i just upgrade PSU as well? like i said its not going to be hardcore system or nothing just wants the HD stuff. also to get a better idea how well do yall think it will run vista? i mean i have ran vista on a p4 2.4ghz with 1.5gb of ram and it ran smooth just not fast, obviously this should be a difference but i wanted to get ideas for that as well! :D thanks Ferman for the fast response btw
If the psu is some junky piece of crap random brand and not 80 plus certified it may not work but im not sure.. I would not recommend putting vista on it.. and since they want it for tv and hd video and stuff like that either get XP media center or windows 7 RC since they both have the media center app and then they can use a remote for it as well if they want to hook it up to there tv which it sounds like they will end up doing..
The 4650 doesn't need a PCI-E Power Connector so you should be fine. If not, just go to some local Computer store, pick up a Generic 450W for like 15$
actually that one needs a six pin its like on the bottom part of the card its almost hidden its weird
ya thats what i was thinking about the whole 80 plus certified psu something cheap around $20~$40! sounds good, thank you all :) easy question easy answers!! :D much appreciated!
no problem