AgigA Tech Introduces Non-Volatile DDR3 DIMMs



" The product uses an integrated controller to transfer the contents in the DRAM to also integrated NAND Flash. The briefly required power supply is provided capacitors, which do not require a separate battery. To recharge the capacitors, only "a few seconds" of regular power supply to the DIMM are required. AgigA Tech says that the data retention time in the DIMM is a remarkable 10 years.

At this time, the DIMMs are available in ample numbers as well as 1 GB, 2GB and 4GB capacities. There was no information when these DIMMS will become generally available and how much they will cost. However, do not expect these chips to be affordable for your desktop system anytime soon; AgigaTech said it is targeting RAID storage, servers, data deduplication, workstations, embedded systems, communications/networking, as well as industrial/medical as initial application fields.",17304.html

It will be exciting for me when it's consumer level and in laptops