Tl;dr: trying to setup gemini capsule and failing. Need help with config.service I think.
Howdy. So I was trying to spin up a Gemini capsule and it looks pretty straight forward in the tutorial ( and it went well until trying to start the agate service. I am using a debian 10 server and a status check of the service gave me different errors all pertaining to the config file. When I would fix something another thing would break. So I went to the agate github (GitHub - mbrubeck/agate: Very simple server for the Gemini hypertext protocol) b/c the tutorial said the video was a bit out of date. Copied the config from there and then the error was that is could not creat the .certificate folder. Ok no problem chmod 777 on the target directory and… Same error. At this point it is late and I work stupid early so I hung it up but I wanted to know if anyone here had a good example of a config file (actually it is called agate.service) or could tell me what I am missing. Thanks!
Also I dont think I have posted a thread before so if this is in the wrong place lemme know.