Im looking for a Gpu that can run bf3 wow gw2 and more games ultra setting but will be stable for recording and streaming i heard the 670 is the best but thats kids outa my budget then i heard the new 660ti is amazing but i need more peoples inputs! anyone have first person exp with the cards? and if so which one? trying to go 350$ max
I5 3570k 5.0ghz o/c 70'c
kingston ssd 120gb
corsair vengance 1600 8gb
corsair h80 liquid cooling push pull config
corsair (big corsaid fan if u cant tell) gs700 wat psu
AMD's GPU are usally performing right around Nvidia's GPU's usally at a lower cost. They're fine, when it comes down to it find a GPU from Nvidia and AMD that fits your price range, look at benchmarks and make an educated decision to what best suits YOUR needs. 660ti and 7950 both are great cards, they both leapfrog between each other in a lot of games so look at benchmarks and compare.
Well From the bench marks i think im gonna go with the 7950 they dont have any test for gw2 or wow which are 2 main games i play but im pretty positive that it will be fine
WoW can get maxed by almost any mid ranged GPU, I'm running a 6950 and GW2 runs around 40-60FPS on high. BF3 near 60FPS, benchmarks speak for themselves.
If you need to overclock it, go get MSI Afterburner, and tweak it through that. You can't tweak the shaders through MSI with AMD cards, if I remember correctly, but you can tweak the voltage, and clocks.
I'd look at some overclocking references first, so you don't over-volt, and fry the GPU.
I need a good gpu for up to date video recording and for school not a older out of date one id have to replace sooner -.- and if i ever need to i can go dual sli