Aesthetic Changes to The Tek

This question is for Logan and anyone else directly creatively involved in producing The Tek.

I noticed just today that Logan no longer wears the slick jacket that he used to.  I remember kind of liking that style of a casual graphic t-shirt and a nice jacket.  So Logan, why did you stop wearing the jacket?  Any particular reason?

Also, while we're on this subject, are there any other aesthetic changes to The Tek that you or anyone else would like to talk about or explain the reasoning behind?

I get warm... and that room is the warmest in the house. I do like wearing the jacket. 

That jacket was genuinely cool to see.

Note: I have not viewed the most recent tek but the fact that we cannot see the whole webpage that they talk about bothers me. A few teks ago they spoke of how portrait is the best way to view most webpages. They could set the pages to portrait and keep the same format, with both Logan and Wendell on the left.

Just food for thought!

The jacket is very handsome.