Currently this is the build that I'm working on. The name is still being worked on at the moment. Since this is my first build on my own I have a shitload of questions about how to optimize it so I would love to see different opinions rather than people up voting a single person.
First and foremost, I've been wondering if to put off such a high end rig setup for a while since AMD and Nvidia are rolling out new lines of GPUs and on top of that DDR4 is rolling out slowly to consumers alongside new motherboard archetypes. My last rig got built right when Sandy Bridge was becoming a thing and it suffered a lot since I decided to get it before the curve and it fell off fast in gaming preformance. Don't want to get burned again. Opinions on both, if to put the build on hold for a while to wait advances in either category.
On to the build:
Current overclocking plans are non-existent, may change in the future, so take that into account. Build idea is currently simplistic, trying to get a White-Black-Gold color scheme. I do some Photoshop and I've had to do some video editing, nothing really too serious that my current rig couldn't handle so this is more focused on gaming and occasional editing.
1) CPU/Motherboard/Heat sink I ran this by the cooling sub-forum beforehand but I would love for a confirm that the CPU, heat sink and Motherboard are compatible 100% and wont fail me since the FX-9590 is a serious powerhouse when it comes to heat.
2) Drives: Is the SSD I've chosen good/bad? Opinions and alternative options appreciated. For information, I'm taking my 500 GB HDD from my old build.
3) Video Card: a) Should I wait till the 900-series drop to decide on my new GPU? b) Choice between EVGA or MSI GTX 770s? Any previous experience? If you want to suggest alternative GPUs, choose from Nvidia GPU line since I'm really dissatisfied with my current AMD one and not looking forward to buy another one
4) Case/Fans: How good are the stock fans and do I need to change em out? Any suggestions on fans that you have had good experience?
5) PSU: Literally rocket science for me. I had my last build done with a 600W PSU which has 0 support for today, let alone specs and efficiency. So I am deciding to swap it out for something that is reliable. The current one I looked up at random which seemed good for the build, would love some feedback and alternatives.
6) Memory: Is it a good idea to get 16 GB of memory if I do some occasional editing or does that become meaningless after you have 8 GB.
Feel free to edit the original build and post it back with the changes with why you did them.