Advice on my first gaming PC build

Hey guys can you give me some advice for my gaming build

Budget Range: $1100 (slighty flexible)

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming (mainly Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 and RTS games with some FPS), Light Video/Audio Editing/Rendering, web browsing

Do you need to buy OS: Yes

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: PCCaseGear, CPL Online, Mwave Australia

Location: Australia, Tasmania

Parts preference: none really

Overclocking: Not at the moment possibly in the future

SLI or Crossfire: Not needed

Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Additional Comments: - don't need OS or keyboard mouse and moniter

any advice or suggestion are welcome as it is my first build :)

Only thing I'd add would be a ssd and aftermarket cooler. For 1080p gaming you cant go wrong with a gtx770.

You cant go wrong with PCCG either. Great business to deal with.