As the title says. My father needs a new laptop and wants the screen real-estate at his age, but all he wants to do is use the internet and play a few old non-taxing games. My mother wants it as a backup for a projection system she uses that needs 1200x1920 @ 60fps output under opengl and has no need for more than 1080p on the laptop screen while in use.
So I have two issues. The bigger machines have extra horsepower these days but they use it to drive better displays on the laptop at higher resolutions and refresh-rates that are overkill, but I need the output to the projector to run at the highest performance as compared to the laptop screen under that occasional use case.
The demands aren't high, but I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone. Any suggestions, because my common companies are pushing 1440-4k for around $1000...
Thanks for any help - move it if it's in the wrong forum...