So, basically my dad changed my account prefrence to normal and changed his to admin. I don't know his password.
Is there anyway of finding out his password or chaning it, so I can change my account back to Admin?
Windows 7 btw. Thanks.
So, basically my dad changed my account prefrence to normal and changed his to admin. I don't know his password.
Is there anyway of finding out his password or chaning it, so I can change my account back to Admin?
Windows 7 btw. Thanks.
See if you can find either Active Boot Disk or Ultimate Boot CD. IT can clear the administrative password.
I have neither.. Any other suggestions?
Yeah, just ask him what the password is. Then you can go in and change your account type back.
Why would he give me the password when he has clearly taken it off me?
you could try this. (takes over 30 minutes mind you)
or just reset it...
Boot up a Linux live disc and mount the windows drive
navigate to /windows/system32 directory
rename the sticky key application (sethc.exe) then make a copy of the command prompt application (cmd.exe) and give it the sticky key application
now when you get to the login screen hit shift 5 times and you will get a command prompt
then you can use the net command to add yourself to the administrators group I think the command is something like this
net localgroups administrator /add <user name>
I forget the exact command you can google the exact command
Why do you help someone who clearly does something which is not approved by his parents?
It's morally wrong.
I've been admin on my computer for over 2 years. He knows my password, he got mad at me, and changed it, and put time restrictions and stuff on..
Thanks everyone.