Adding server qualities to main pc

My main pc is running Windows 7 and I'm looking for any advice on how to better share the content (ie movies and music) across other devices. I have a homegroup set up but it seems like it transfers really slowly and I'm thinking of getting an Android tablet today so if I don't have to install the movies directly on it and can just stream it would be great!!

Are there any good, easy to use programs that will make my media life with a tablet more enjoyable? 


Thank you

give us a list of your system specs 

Computer Specs starting from the top:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1


CPU - INTEL Core i5-3570K @ 4.2Ghz

  Cooler - Corsair H100

RAM - 16GB Corsair Vengance 1600Mhz

GPU - ASUS DirectCU II GTX 660

PSU - CoolMax 700w (not the best but it works)

SSD - OCZ Agility4 64GB for boot drive

HHD - 2x 1TB Mechanical Drives

Case - Antec P280

well there are a few thing's you can try off the top of my head:

make sure your using the highest catagory and shortest length ethernet cable that is compatible with your router. for better repsonse and less latency

getting a dedicated network card ideally dualport.

upgrade your wireless router to one with more wireless bandwith and signal range, walls are wirelesses worst enemy and so is long distance tranmission.

and/or with a dualport dedicated ethernet card, use the secound port with a secound router (ideally like one i mentioned above) so its isolated from internet traffic to wirelessly stream media 

consider a dedicated raid card

grab a back up 2 tb hdd like an external, and wack the 2 1tb drives in raid 0, so there used as one whole drive which will give you faster read/write but if one dies or gets corrupted they both fail. so a back up drive is strongly reccomended.

an ssd drive for caching

faster RAM would'nt hurt but not a must.

consider windows media server for dualboot maybe (most likely need a larger ssd for that)

maybe some 3rd party networking software (i use too use tversity for my ps3 RIP)

look into how well your tab handles streaming casue it might have a pants wireless card and/or just isnt aswell equipped  in other hardware. see how well it ranks against other tabs for streamming. all in all your only as strong as your weakest link when it comes to networking.

hope this helped anyways

I probably won't go quite as far as raid cards and more ssds yet but thank you for the help and information, it will go along way to making things smoother. Thank you again

yeah a dedicated raid card is only really needed when you want too go hardrive crazy lol. your onboard raid should be fine for the most part :)

I had a good experience with Orb caster.  It's a program you can run on your PC that will allow you to go to sign in with a user name and password, and stream movies from any where with data.  I used to use it to watch Family Guy episodes on my BlackBerry Playbook on Wifi at work during lunch.  I used the Playbook's browser and got pretty good quality, I think there's an Android app for it, so that might work better.