Nicotine, Sugar, and Caffeine. I used to be addicted to cigarettes. But not cigars as soon as I started smoking cigars. In fact cigars were far more enjoyable than cigarettes but I did not feel like crap when I did not have a cigar for 2 weeks or a month. Sugar is found in candy and alcohol. We let kids have candy. But the only person that is allowed to be the voice of reason on limiting the sugar intake on kids are their parents. And that is somewhat concerning to me. Then we have alcohol. More of a necessity because it can be be used in medical applications and can be used for good times. Ain't we glad we got em.
Their seems to be a lot of bias that nicotine is addictive. If it is in cigarette form and it is inhaled through the lungs then yes. But nicotine smoke is never to be inhaled though the lungs as it is quite harmful. Because you are not suppose to do such a thing with cigar smoke. Then their is chewing tobacco. I have never chewed tobacco before. But I would have to think that it is the most natural and carcinogenic free way to absorb nicotine. I also never vaped. But it still seems slightly safer than smoking because of the tar production from cigarettes. Of course their are the nicotine free ones and the ones that are used without the other stuff I hear can give you popcorn lung.
Sugar is one of those addiction's that you probably do not know about. But I have done my best to keep as far away from something that has high fructose corn syrup and beet sugar like it's the plague. Because they have a severe impact on you liver and lower intestinal wall. And can cause holes to form in your lower g.i. tract. The same goes for white bread as the flour from unbleached white bread will stick to the lower intestinal tract causing inflammation and ulcers. By avoiding all these sugars I have enjoyed fruit and vegetables far more than I used to thinking that they were just junk.
Alcohol like sugar can be bad for the liver and lower intestines in mass quantity's. I for one think that they should be lumped into the same category no matter what. But I think that wine and other forms of alcohol need to be left open for discussion and debate. I think that two to three beers a week are not bad for you. Or one to two shots of Saki are not bad for you provided you have them with dinner at the end of the day. But I feel that it is only okay to have alcohol if you have a clean daily diet free of gluten and super concentrated forms of sugar like high fructose corn syrup. And if you lead a active lifestyle. Having alcohol will simply add to your quality of life. Because you will be able to enjoy less because your body will have less impurity's through excessive and healthy eating.