Add ssd or 8 gb of ram?


I have 8 gb of the same ram already but currently no ssd.

i would go for an SSD then.
unless you realy need 16GB of ram for something?

Depends on what you'll do with your system I guess. If it's just gaming and nothing content creating-ish/running simulation/heavy computing, I'd say go for the ssd :)

My PC is perfectly fine with 8GB.

You don't want a V300 SSD, also just save up until you can get a 240gb SSD, 120 fills up far too quickly for a desktop

Aren't the V300 the drives that Kingston switched components on that caused the performance to tank? Without switching part numbers?

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If i get a ssd im just putting my os and a few games on it. i already have a WD 1 TB.

SSD would be the better choice, but do not buy that SSD. The kingston V300 is a broken drive, because kingston changed the flash they used in the drive and this caused the drive to fail extremely fast.

what sort of workloads are you doing?

general computing = ssd
video editing, 3d stuff (I once had a scene use up 12gb of ram at render time) = ram

I can't believe they're still listing it's read/write speeds at 450MBps...

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This is the lowest end drive I'd recommend:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

If you can't afford it, my recommendation is too wait and save up for it. Buying a lower end drive is simply asking for problems and a drive that will die after less then a year of use in many cases.

Damn, that's cheap... Kinda wish I would have waited a year to get my pair of SSDs. Would have been cheaper and faster...

I would go for an SSD, makes things go faster :>

SSD but not that SSD


What MrChumps said ;)

I agree with everyone else it seems. An SSD will yield much better results.

I say get the ram and use it as a ramdisk.

LOL --- but yeah, don't

Depending on what you do with your system, Ram wont really give performance as such, I would go for an SSD.

Also do you need either? if your just getting something for the sake of it then maybe save the money for a bigger upgrade?

SSD for sure.