AdBlock vs Everyone else

So I was on twitter and saw tweets about how YouTubers hated AdBlock for the campaign it's currently running to fund money to advertise AdBlock. (Ironic)

Then I saw this gem get tweeted by another YouTuber who also streams:

What do you guys think of AdBlock? Is it really so bad?

---Personal Opinion Below----

Now in my own opinion I don't view it as a bad thing and certainly not something that should have a petition to get disabled. I think this whole thing is stupid, because they're attacking AdBlock and that doesn't make any sense. AdBlock is a TOOL, it's the users choice how they use it, yes by default it will block all ads. It does what it was made to do, what a freaking shocker. But the user can choose when and where it blocks ads, they can disable ads on one site and enable ads on others, it's entirely up to the user.

Why go after the program? Do they honestly think it will make one difference if you get rid of ONE of many programs that do the same?

Newsflash, it's not the program that's the problem. It's the users. Some people just hate ads and you'll never get them to disable AdBlock for your site or your videos, but others like myself do so all the time because we want to support people and their content. Some people may not even be aware you can pause AdBlock so maybe if they spent a little less time whining and informed their viewers why they should disable ads and how to disable them, they can actually make a difference because that petition isn't going to work.



I approve of adblock, I will not expose myself to any advertising, I'd avoid the material if I was forced to.

Bill hicks says it all for me 

/watch?v=gDW_Hj2K0wo (video id since YT links aren't working on teksyndicate recently)

Well, the user downloads the page, so it's on his computer. He can do everything with it that he want. It's a fact. So stop bitching about AdBlock and if it really hurts your imcome badly you should search another income stream. Deal with it.

If you pay for data (like on a phone) the fact that you pay to have advertisements (usually pretty high res ones) flashed in your face is kinda rediculous. At home there are times where our internet can barely load the ad and I wait for a minute just waiting for a 30 sec ad to load. I would suggest that advertisers pay for the data to advertise to you (credit your account) and possibly make sure that their ads will load in a responable amount of time on your connection. If I have to wait for your ad to buffer in hd on a paid connection you are doing yourself a disservice. (Not always my internet although it isn't great, sometimes youtubes servers suck and also, netflix. That drains it)

I'm not sure people even know how adblock or ad revenue controllers work. In the past adblock shows the ad for a second and then the video loads so it is possible that the advertiser has no idea. used to have a banner that said thanks for disabling adblock.

Me, I only disable adblock on certain websites I frequent that don't use intrusive ads (like this site) which play sounds or try to grab my attention.

that being said, I still block googles adsense and analytics in my host files.

so even if these youtubers ban adblock, I have my user scripts, if they ban those I have my host files, whcih are unbannable.


AdBlock is killing the internet. It operates on ads, not pocket change; it needs money, and ads provide that.


I disable ads on every website because they are annoying and take up extra bandwidth.

I have personaly used Adblock Edge ever since Adblock implemented a white list.

If I didn't have such a horrible internet connection, I would white list certain sites. I simply do not have enough bandwith to load websites with advertisments in a reasonable period of time.

I kind of disagree, I can see your point but I personaly don't pay attention or like ads. When ever I want something I actively look for and research the product brands through a variety of ways, but I never EVER take anything away from ads as they have a tendency to over exaggerate or out right lie about what the product can do. I also skip ads on the radio and if I had a tv I would do so with that as well.

I really despise AdBlock. Sure, I use it, but not on sites that I think are worthy of getting paid for my visit. (TekSyn, Reddit, YouTube, etc.)


Really, content creators deserve to be paid for their content. Without ads, TekSyndicate simply COULDN'T be here. I don't pay attention to ads, so they don't bother me.

I think the creator of adblock is an ignorant asshole whose ego exploded with his extention. He's getting paid by donations, and just disregarding the fact that some people have enough dignity to not ask for donations.

This is bullshit. There are many ways to make money for a service. If people decide that they don't want to pay via ads they have to pay in another kind.

Obviously, ads are not the only way sites are payed for, but they are how an open, free internet runs.

An open and free internet also lets users decided whether or not he/she wants to view said ads.

The only reason I got adblock in the first place was so I didn't have to watch 30 second advertisements every time I wanted to watch a minute long youtube video. I make it point not to use it on sites that I think deserve my support, and if youtube just had banner advertisements instead of full length commercials before short videos, then I probably wouldn't have gotten it at all.

Interestingly enough, youtube is really the only video website that adblock is able to block video advertisements on. Adblock doesn't work on any other site I've ever been to that has video ads.

You say that now, but just wait until youtube starts charging subscription fees for all of its youtube channels.

And? it's not like i'll pay it, I will just look elseware for videos, i'm not paying youtube a dime.

If tek had it's own subscription platform, depending on the price and the length of the subscription I would pay, I would much rather that then look through ads.

You'd rather pay than get access for free, with a slight, to non-inconvenience? That, I do not understand.

I think you missed my (not so clear) point. I would rather my money go directly to the people I support rather then through a middle man who I do not support.