Adb Device is not recognized

I'm trying to manually update my nexus 4 to android 5.0 and i am having issues with adb seeing my device. My adb interface driver should be automatically installed from the google sdk (pretty sure) but i manually installed it anyways. As you can see fastboot is being recognized so i have no idea what's wrong.



-Disclaimer I have little to no experience with android sdk/manual updates,Vu4rDBo#0

- Don't do this in Windows, the risk is great to ruin stuff. Use Linux, not even kidding about this! You have to use at least a live distro or a portable install, a virtual appliance running windows will not work securily.

- OTA update should drop today anyway, it's a matter of hours.

- You have to go into dev options on your device first, and allow USB debugging or your device won't be recognized

- you have to use a terminal window that is opened as administrator for adb to work, or be at root prompt in linux

Thanks i didn't know when the over the air update was coming i'll just wait for that and stop wasting my time. 


What makes linux less risky when messing with your phone like this? Windows has worked fine for me so far.

Not that windows doesnt work, but for me at least, things in Linux just work. There's no messing with drivers or paths, all the commands are there already, not just adb but the standard linux utility commands that come in useful, to make sure your not using corrupt files etc.

Basically Linux cli is just easier.

Zoltans points in making it work are correct, you need debugging enabled on the phone, the phone then needs to accept the certificate/fingerprint for the computer before you can use adb with it. It will then pick up the device.

Feel free to try this even if youve decided not to flash the rom just so you can see how it works.

Keep in mind, flashing the stock 5.0 download (by running the bat file) will wipe the device unless you were to flash only specific files.

I used Wug's toolkit to flash my nexus 10 to 5.0, super easy.

Manually install the ADB drivers. From device manager find your Nexus 5 (probably labeled in other devices) then right click it and select update driver then navigate the menu wizard as such:

Manually update drivers>let me pick from drivers on this computer>show all devices>Google>Android ADB interface>install

Android = linux

Didnt know about that, cool

use this to get it everywhere in the system

and then this to install the driver. connect the device before.

as simple as that :)


no need for sdk or anything else