my Acer A515-44 is not charging anymore, and the guys from service said that I should try to update BIOS first (version 1.09 to 1.12) - which you cannot do, as the charger is not being recognized, and the installation requires it. Then they said that the only option is a $$$ motherboard replacement. I’ve found a video online, showing the replacement of the power input, and I’ve also found the part for a few bucks on Ebay.
My question is, do you have any informations about this motherboard, and, could it be something else causing the problem? Some other chips on the board that could have failed?
Visualy everything looks ok, I’ve also tried to poke the little thing in the center of the power input, and it does not move a bit. I have two of the same laptops, and booth look visualy ok compared to each other. And of course I tried the charger first, and sadly that’s not the case.
Any information you can provide me would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,