According to Researchers: Women are Considered "Better" coders, If they hide their Gender

Depending on who you talk to, there is to some degree of Gender Bias in the Tech Industry. whether it's sexist remarks or maybe even hiring men over women in this particular field. in all regard a study was done by a group of Computer science researchers and a conclusion was brought that, that of course "Men's code" was much more accepted than "Female" code. if females kept their gender to themselves they would be more likely to have their code accepted.

Kind of Strange.. Maybe? in all fairness 11.2% of the Tech Industry is populated by females.. though it's not surprising, but at the same time it's kind of hard to believe. and in all fairness prior to actual physical machines the term computers were originally the name for females who had to do a lot of computational work by hand in the past in the tech field.

Inb4 Feminist Movement gets real with this.
inb4 this starts a #WOMENSCODEMATTER movement.