AC4 + UPLAY Fails

Hey guys I have AC4 on uplay since i got it on sale and I have to say Uplay is terrible.

Does anyone have any idea why Uplay updates take up all your bandwidth yet downloads at like 10% of your real speed?

Apparently this is a common problem but I haven't heard anyone break down a reason or solution.

The only reason I even downloaded AC4 the first time was because I used the GameFly downloader tool, but that won't work for updates.

Main Point: Don't get AC4 on Uplay

Uplay is terrible. It stays open after playing the game as well. Its like fuck off im done with you now die. What I hate the most is when you screenshot from steam and the damn uplay overlay thing pops up and ruins the shot!

Ya, about the same thing happened to me when I downloaded AC4. But you can only play games like AC4, Far Cry 3, if you have UPlay.

I bought ACIV and ended up pirating it because I couldn't stand Uplay did the same with GTAIV and almost every Games for windows life game... Is a way to legally have the game and end the fuss of the programm overlays but... You lose the online capabilities (that's a plus for me)

Also apparently I can't download my free copy of Far Cry 3 I got with my graphics card. I redeemed it over a year ago, I went to download it and uplay said I waited too long. !@#$ uplay.

I think we all know where I went after that. Although to be honest I still haven't played it since it never was a game that interested me all that much.