About to upgrade. Any suggestions?

Continuing the discussion from Any recommendations for torrent client?:

Continuing the discussion from A sleeper gaming machine / Linux htpc for now:

If you were to upgrade this htpc to a gaming/ all arounder. What would you upgrade? I was thinking an I7 4790k and maybe an 290x+psu. I was going to wait on broadwell but i am not really concerned about power savings.

Dont know why it did that post like that?

Well CPU would be first on my list. I'd go to either a 4690k, or if you need the hyperthreading go to the 4790k. Then I'd go for the GPU and PSU. You wouldn't go wrong with a 290 or 290X but with the 300 series looming I'd probably wait till we see what those can do. Of course if you can't wait the older ones or a 970 or 980 would do just fine. Of course just match a good quality PSU to the system based on wattage requirements with desired CPU and GPU. Last thing I'd definitely change is the SSD. 64GB certainly isn't much, and being able to install high resource games on an SSD is a must for me to reduce loading times. I'd grab a 256 or 512GB SSD depending on budget. With all that done you'd have a nice little beast of a gaming system. Just make sure you give everything proper airflow and cooling.

Agreed on the ssd thing. It was a linux install. As far as the gpu, i will wait and see how prices are impacted by changes of the new releases before deciding. I dont know what is wrong with the people here? They normally rip a build apart. Which i find most helpful when weighting options.

I'm also surprised by the lack of feedback, but hopefully you found mine helpful, and feel free to ask me anything else. I'll answer the best I can.

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