Ordering my second PC ever, here are the parts. Please critisize me and the parts as much as possible, and make fun of them. If you think you can change anything to make it better, please go ahead. My budget is $700 including shipping and tax. Keep in mind I live in Canada and shipping is really stupid here eh?
Really, just the Raidmax power supply. I'm unsure of the quality, and the power supply is one of the last things you want to skimp on, because if the power supply goes out, it can take other components with it, potentially the entire system. If you need more reasons, it's realatively inefficient (it's max efficiency is 80%, where as to quality power supplies are a minimum of 80% efficient at any given load), and features a dual-rail design, which means if you add some power hungry components (ex OC'd CPU, high end GPU), you may have to shuffle around wiring as to not overload a rail. If that happens, the entire system could shut off during use, or worse. This is precisely why singe-rail designs are preferable.
Of course, it may be entirely possible that it's a perfectly good power supply, as the reviews suggest, but I'd personally would not use it. My favorite power budget power supply is the Rosewill Green Series 530w. I've had one for several years, and it's been good to me on my first complete build (well, not as much a complete build as a complete transformation). This was back when AMD was king of value, and finding a quad-core CPU under $100 was unheard of.
you right buy a good 80+ certified power supply, i made the same mistake.
I build a cheaper cooler master GX lite 700Watt with no 80+ certification, and this power supply beeps constandly when i going to play a game.
so it seems that 80 + certification is realy a must!
i have also a 7870 card.
i let test my psu in the store i bought it, there they put it in a system with a low range graffic card and then it didnt beep, but wenn they puted on a much heavier card like a 7870 then he begans to beep :P
so if i was you dont save money on the power supply, but buy a good 80+ certified one :)
That's crazy shipping! I think a 965 and 7850 is the best cpu/gpu power combo. You need a better PSU, I'd try for 8G of ram, and maybe fit an NZXT source 210. Try asnd find cheaper shipping though!@!! OUTLET PC has free shipping for over 100$ right now.
Hi guys, thanks for all the awesome insane really nice good and beautiful responses. I saw someone mention that the phenom would bottleneck my gpu, would it bottleneck it??
No, not really. The guy is probably an Intel fanboy. The Phenom II is still a capable gaming CPU, especially for the money, and now that games are more effective at utilizing quad-cores, you should be fine. That's not accounting for overclocking either.
But in the event that you run into a game that requires the latest and greatest 6 and 8 core CPU's, the AM3+ platform has upgrades, and steamroller should be rolling out later this year. Either way, it's not an issue.
Here is an excerpt from TomsHardware Best Gaming CPU's for the Money Jan'13
January Updates:
Although it isn't yet live on the site, we just finished up the testing for our latest sub-$200 gaming CPU comparison. Without going into detail on our findings, we saw that, more than ever, today's games require a quad-core processor to realize their best performance. This shouldn't come as a revelation to anyone, but it does have a significant impact on our gaming CPU recommendations. We no longer plan to recommend dual-core chips like Intel's Pentium. Also, AMD's lower-priced quad-core models tend to look a little better
Yeah, I was planning to do that, may get the Bulldozer or the Steamdriver (don't know if it's actually called steamdriver but I remember the steam part) ... Thx
Chronologically Bulldozer, Piledriver, Steamroller, and Excavator are on AMD's roadmap. Obviously Bulldozer and Piledriver are out. Steamroller is due by the end of the year
The only real differences between the 970 and 990 chipset is that 990 will run cards in SLI/xfire faster. Also, the 990 boards tend to have a better power phase for overclocking.