Tell me what you guys think about this build I am about to buy a new computer that will kill my console and get me through 3 years( two of which will be college). I Thought this was an okay build especially for 1,386.89
Get the 4GB version of the GTX 670 if you can afford it. Also, I would recommend the 2500K if you're planning on overclocking because you'll get better performance out if it than you would out of the 3570K if you overclock. Not to mention that it would run cooler.
An SSD would be nice too if you could swing the extra money.
I agree with Vortex on the CPU. What are you doing on the computer? Gaming? I would say pay a little less and get the 2500k. You can push that thing a lot with the corsair H60. The i7-2600k is also dropping in price. Keep an eye on it. If you are video editing, encoding, etc, the 2600k will be faster (thanks to the extra threads). It uses more power but it runs cooler and overclocks better.
I guess I'm just not sold on Ivy Bridge. I'd rather have Sandy Bridge-E or Sandy Bridge.
Oh, I must have skimmed over that. I wouldn't go with a Mushkin though. I'd personally get either a Crucial M4, OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS, or a Patriot Wildfire.
Yeah, Ivy Bridge is better if you just never ever want to overclock. If you're going to just plop the cpu into the motherboard and never mess with overclocking then go with Ivy, but if you're overclocking then go with Sandy.
actually I've just built an Ivy rig for my video editor, and the chip doesn't run hot, and I've read on for the ivy overclock guide that a lot of people are hitting 5GHz, I think most people who can't get past 4.6 aren't overclocking it right or something, I'll post my results when he gets a 3rd party heatsink, its build in progress
My 3770k overclocks well too. Clock for clock Ivy is faster than Sandy anyway. Vortex what have you been reading? This chip runs perfectly fine with the fans not even ramping at 1 ghz above stock.
Has Intel updated the CPUs or something? Did they fix the whole "we're going to attach the thermal shield with thermal paste instead of doing what we should have done?"
Because everything I've seen says that Ivy Bridge runs 10 degrees hotter when overclocked and they can only usually get between 4.5 and 4.7ghz unless you're running a hardcore water cooling setup.
My 3770k overclocks well too. Clock for clock Ivy is faster than Sandy anyway. Vortex what have you been reading? This chip runs perfectly fine with the fans not even ramping at 1 ghz above stock.
Every review website was saying that they could only get Ivy up to around 4.7ghz unless they were running crazy water cooling, in which case they could only get around 4.9ghz. That's what HardOCP said, and I believe anandtech said the same thing.
people with EVOs on them haven't hit past 40C, maybe its the way the pipes were designed, also you don't need uber amounts of voltage, stock voltage will get you to 4.5, one more bump for any higher, I had furmark on the GPU as well as 3.6Ghz on the stock cooler and it hit 60C and my i3 hit 55C on a i5 stock cooler with the bclck OC