A8 4555M Rome 2 TW

Hey, folks.

Now, I know what will run this game, but I do not know what will fail to run this game. I realise that is a bit of an oxymoron.

Basically, I will be helping my friend build a super awesome computer to play the upcoming Total War: Rome 2. The minimum system requirements should be comparable to Shogun 2.

Until he has a sufficient budget, he needs to bridge the gap. He is replacing his old laptop and I am hoping to land him with an APU capable of playing Rome 2. The best APU that I can find is the A8 4555M in the laptop linked:


I have researched for about an hour, trying to figure out if this will run the latest Total War games. The general consensus appear to be that this apu will run Rome 2/Shogun 2 at low/medium. Having said that, nobody offers any concrete benchmarks.

Can anyone tell me with any certainty if this APU will run the game? And if not, can you recommend a sub £400 laptop that can run the game?



I believe this would be a better option:



I would find out what RAM frequency they are sticking in those laptops, 1333 MHz ain't gonna cut it by a long shot if he wants to game on an APU laptop. Either find one for a good price and factor in a set of DDR3 SODIMM 1866 MHz RAM or buy one with the 1866 MHz RAM in it already.

I found a review on that Lenovo:


It's not the best, but for £400 it would appear that he can play games, until we get his desktop built in the coming months.

I've been looking all over the place for results on the APU. As soon as I type in reviews for the specific laptop model, I get results. Silly me -_- I have been up all night with no sleep, that's my excuse.

Thanks for the input. I just don't want to disappoint my friend. He only need to play the game on low settings, satisfy his urges, until he gets his desktop. I've been so worried about what to recommend, given the budget and the limited choices.

Well i give you props for such dedication to your friend.Im so hyped about Total War:Rome II i could sh*t rainbows.... :D

At least I have my rig built. I have his planned, but as soon as Rome 2 is downloaded on my PC, he is on his own xD

Bye bye friends!

The newer A10 mobile APU is a lot better than the older Liano A8. I think it comes with 8GB of 1600 MHz standard, that isnt that bad but its also not optimal either.

LEL I know this feeling when you have shitty pc and you can't play the game you were hyped about.....Im happy with my pc for now.I dont have money for extreme gaming pc,hell even AMD FX 8350 and i5 3570k costs alot for me so yeah.

Trouble is, most of the A10 models are selling for sub 500. So close and yet so far. If his budget were £500, this would be a lot easier.

Total War is one of those games where it happens to be demanding in a weird way. You've got 1000s of troops on screen at once. It's a bit of a kick in the balls for anyone using on-board graphics of any kind.

I've prosed this build to him: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1njFU - No OS 

He could pontentially update and refresh the above build. I was hoping to get him a 760 as his final build, Total War is optimised for Nvidia and Intel. I would prefer to build him his optimal system with the entirety of his budget. But, something to get him gaming now, to then update, the above build is an option. No idea what he will choose.

...I actually think he is sick of talking to me about this... xD