A TV show you all may enjoy

I just want to recommend a show to you all, as that once season 2 and beyond kicks in, it starts messing with rival A.I's and their creators fighting each other in generic terms.

It's called Person of Interest, it just closed it's 4th season and keeps getting better. It has a lot to do with technology, specifically software, and while it can be over the top, it's a drama show, so of course it will be. Great action, acting, writing, all of those things. Just thought some of you might be interested.

I love that show, and the season finally was awesome, cant wait for next season.

Nice Trev! Nice to know there is a fellow fan here, I'm sure you can agree it's a show that fits in well for a community such as this.

Surprised no one here talks about Halt and Catch fire.

You know I actually only watched the first episode, but things came up. I'll go through it again.