A sensible view on the new YouTube Partner terms. Changes that will come Feb/20th/2018

That’s another thing:
4,000 hrs/ 24 hrs= 166.66666… days

That’s almost a half a year. Is it 4,000 hours viewed time, or 4,000 hours worth of content? Cause anyone that’s doing this on the side is not going to have the time to create that much content in a single year. Getting 4,000 hours of viewed time would be difficult too, and only a lucky few would reach that if they had a video or two that went viral.

If the former is the case, the pressure is on creating content that gets people to watch. This doesn’t necessarily encourage quality, just crap (and I’m betting it will mostly be crap that gets produced) that gains viewing time. “Television is the business of selling eyes and ears.” This model would be no different from that one, except for the kinds of metrics they can pull about viewer behavior. Stuff that television can only dream of learning about their audience. Although, the ISPs could easily track and sell this information to them, a completely in-house solution still eludes them.

Should be this, because assuming the videos are 20 minutes, there’d have to be 12,000 of them.

This also translates into: If you make 20 minute videos, you need 12,000 views across them all in 1 year’s time. Of course you could transpose the numbers to fit different content: 10min vids would require 24,000 views etc.

Not a particularly easy task, but it is also doable. However, it requires quite a bit of work and the people doing it as a light hobby would need to get a bit more serious about it under these new guidelines.

Thats not too crazy when you realize that this is distributed among many people. I dont think its that hard to do. If you have 1 sub then sure, your mom is gonna have a hard time getting you to the 4000 hour mark.

EDIT: this is a pretty good take on it IMO.

I live in a little bubble and well I like my bubble. When someone who is an idiot that makes waves that rumbles my bubble.

I just point my laser at it.he.shes head and watch it.he.she… WTF my hair is on fire.

In reality a youtube entertainer is a schrodinger’s cat both death and alive and useful and not. Neither building or burning the world.

Clearly youtube is being youtube wants more money and more data. Its not for the children

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I kinda want to do a variety of stuff on YouTube but once I get more subs they will claim I am alienating them.

These need guidelines will hurt people that do a variety of things when they set up newer channels for other things they do.