so this is a really noob question but honestly i haven't seen or heard anything so i don't know if it matters, but when installed a graphicscard, are you supposed to open up the tab on the pci slot and then plug the gpu in, or do you simply leave the tab closed and plug the gpu in?
i installed a gtx 660ti on this really old asus motherboard and when i tried to take it out, it was stuck so.. any help would be helpful :P
You open the tab and once you put it in it automatically moves back over a little finger on the bottom of the Card.
It works just like on a RAM DIMM, if you want to take it out you need to first pull the tab back away from the card so you can take it out.
i know how to take it out, i was just wondering if you had to pull back the tab before putting it in, but thanks, so i do like i do on ram dimms :P
Perhaps. I have a mobo where it uses a slider on the pci slots, not the tab like a memory dim, just look at it.
If it is the ram style clip push it down first then install the card. Then to take it out do the same push it down and remove the card. If it is the kind you push from the side just push it towards the cpu socket a little and install the card. Do the same for removing the card.
thanks :P stuff is confusing for someone who never built pc before :P