A r9 290 with a Fx 8350 quick and dirty benchmark comparison

I just did quick and dirty benchmark comparison using Unigine Valley. I think it really demonstrates how restrictive this 8350 really is for a high end GPU, especially if someone isn't overclocking the cpu.


The r9 290 is at it's stock speeds of 980/1250 with the power limit raised to 50% to prevent throttling. I have a XFX OC Black edition r9 290, with a reference cooler.

Note the minimum FPS and maximum throughout*

Fx 8350 stock clock speeds and bios settings.

Fx 8350 at it's stock boost speed of 4.2, everything else is default.

Fx 8350 at 4.5, everything else is default.

Fx 8350 at 4.8, everything else is default.

I don't know if I'll find the ceiling of this card with this CPU. :/


Let me know what you guys think!

In order to make a statement like that you should probably add the cpu usage chart with that bm.

and what is the rest of your system specs?

I see you found your point of diminishing returns on your cpu oc.

It's in my profile.

Sure enough. Even at 5.0 or 5.2, it really doesn't make enough of a performance difference to justify the the voltage and heat to run it at those speeds.

It's running at it's full potential the entire time. I also have High performance power option enabled in Windows and core parking disabled.

how about the cpu and gpu temps?

i see a jump in min fps, from 4.0 to 4.2 ghz

We are a bunch of geeks. We want charts.  I actually havnt even bother with core parking for a 8 core. It was a greater issue for 6 cores.

Why run valley in ultra and not ExtreamHD? How much anti-aliasing you set there?

hmmmmm...that's a really good point. I didn't think about that. I have ran it since, but I just ran it default ultra when I did the tests. I will report back.

GPU temps never gets about 75c and CPU is around 55c with prime95. I don't believe thermal throttling is an issue at all.

Here is my ultra no aa and extreamHD runs on a six core @4.2 and a pair of 7950s@1000mhz

I set it on extremeHD and slimmed the margin between the 3 clockspeeds. I can't believe I didn't think about this earlier.





Good grief man. I ran crossfire 7950s on this 8350 and never had 100% gpu usage out of both cards, how is it for you?

During Valley my CPU is around 50% and GPUs between 75 and 95 % depending on the scene. Temps on cpu dont pass 50c and GPUs get up in the mid 70c area by the end of the run. 

note that this was with the cpu at 4.6

I may try again tomorrow pushing the cpu (& gpu) clock a bit more.



try passmark test ☺

And how is de cpu / gpu usage and fps wenn you play normaly games? and which games do you play?.

Good game to test would be BF4 and Crysis3. Because a FX8350 would normaly not bottleneck any highend gpu. only in games that have a realy bad optimized gaming engine to use multiple cores, like ARMA3 DayZ lol and wow.

Crysis 3 and BF4 will realy push your system on both gpu and cpu. Just check how high your gpu gets in those games.

I downloaded and ran passmark gave me a 3351, hows that? what you get Angel?


ignore the overall score, that is because I cheated on the hd section (ramcache :D)

2d: 732

3d: 6,869