A question about Windows Upgrade

I have always been paranoid about Windows Upgrade breaking my programs and whatnot, so I have always done a clean install. With the approach of Windows 10 on the way, and the methods for the free upgrade seems rather limited. I've always just done a clean install with a disk, and I'd imagine that I'm in the only one. I would just do the upgrade and after the fact cleanup that will be an option, but I'm not sure I even would want to do that... Any thoughts? Experiences with previous upgrades, such as Windows Vista to 7, 8, ect?

Whenever you want to do cleaning, restoring or upgrading I always advise the same thing: Do a full formal and a clean install. In my experience it simply works the best without fear of any hiccups due to it not being a clean install. This is quite an annoyance to do though if you have a slow download speed.

All Windows 7/8/8.1 apps and drivers should work fine on 10 (take that with a pinch of salt). It's easy enough to upgrade them when you switch and the component manufacturers have released them

I'm just going to do the upgrade and hope for the best.

When you do the upgrade a new windows 10 key comes with it, you can then extract that key obtain a win10 iso from somewhere and reinstall from scratch and use your key.

or this might be a thing too, install the preview and update that instead.