I wonder if this could be used to cool CPUs. It seem that it would still require a heat sink, but it might work better. Thoughts/opinions?
I wonder if this could be used to cool CPUs. It seem that it would still require a heat sink, but it might work better. Thoughts/opinions?
Sounds like you would need two heatsinks? One for hot, and one for cold? Feeding juice through it might be a problem as well. Dunno how to avoid frying your cpu with it.
Hm. I was thinking the cold side would be attached to the CPU, and the heat sink for the hot side. That way it would not melt the side of your case. Although, maybe have a water block attached to the CPU and have the hoses go outside of the case, then use the Micro Module instead of a radiator to cool the liquid inside the hoses. Think that would work?
People have mounted paltier coolers to their cpus for a while. and it works great! Two problems though.
Of course the above arn't as true if you buy a lower power unit
there actually was a cooler master cooler that had a TEC on it
Hm, sweet.
Oh, didnt think about frost.