A Piracy Article That Make Sense. Finally!

As a avid follower of torrent freak I come across many studies done by groups such as the MPAA and anti piracy groups. They suggest things such as piracy contributes to declining sales. In truth that is false. Here is how I know. Australia pays something like 80 USD a month to just legally watch Game of Thrones. Australia pays 3000 USD for the adobe master suite. In the US it is 15 - 25 for HBO and 1000 for the Adobe suite. Then you have the content creators purposefully uploading their own content.

Say what? Yes they commit corporate entrapment, by providing their own content, which they use to try to sue pirates and get sites blocked. This happened with mega upload, and they succeeded. Then you have content creators that actually think piracy helps to boost sales. It does, in fact I pirate something and then eventually buy it, if it is actually worth paying a penny for that is.. Hollywood complains that people pirate their movies, in all honesty no one should buy their shitty movies unless they are worth it. In many cases the movies a terrible, which is why the bomb in box office and out of theater as well. Piracy increase publicity for given shows, movies, software, books, and songs. This in turn increases sales.

These companies spend millions and millions of dollars on these absolutely absurd law suites, leading to more losses than they would if they didn't higher anti-piracy outfits. It is the same case for the FCC, spending millions of tax payers money on a law they know that can't be enforced. 

I came across this article from TF and it is a study about who pirates actually are. I can agree with it, because it describes me to the T. It states pirates are more likely to be addicted to the internet than not, and are a bad apple out of a bunch of good ones. I would say I am addicted, and propagate piracy as a good thing (for the most part). However this article is absurd, in the sense that of course pirates are more likely to be addicted to the internet. It is just common sense, a study from a university does not need to spend money on a research grant to tell us this. Which brings me to my point. Money is completely wasted on piracy studies that don't inform us on anything we dont already know for ourselves. Btw, I am not a bad apple in a group of good ones. I can tell you all my friends, and some family members pirated before I started. In fact a relative of mine got me to start pirating.

Which brings me to a point that allows me to support piracy. That is Microsoft screwed me straight over on Windows 8. I bought a copy back in January of 2013 for 40 dollars (if i remember correctly). It was when Microsoft gave people an ultimatum, which said on Feb 1 the price of our professional version will go up from 40 to 200. So I bought it just for the hell of it. Up until recently I have used 7 x64 pro. When I go to try the upgrade, it tells me to use the download manager to download the 8 iso and burn or mount it to a disk or flash drive. I try to do it, and it gave me the error that windows can't connect right now please try again later. It occurred on every computer I tried it with and every internet line (different isps). So I decide to Google it and I find many other people are experiencing the same exact issue. Microsoft's only response is that it is an invalid key. I know it isnt invalid, I have an invoice directly from Microsoft saying it isn't. Also it wouldn't even let you click next on the upgrade manager if it weren't valid, which it did for all of us. Now I call Microsoft up and they give me a run a round, saying it is valid, but all I can do is order a replacement disk. I say I bought it without a disk so I can create my own one. The disk would cost about 40 to get. I call them again and again and again. They say the same thing, until one person tells me it is an invalid key. That it was activated too many times (never had been used once, unless when you attempt to download the iso, it counts as an activation). I finally get intouch with a semi-intelligent employee and they finally decided to compare my invoice and order number to the one in their records. Turns out it wasn't under my name or email, but one entirely unknown to me and my family. Dumb thing is as soon as I ordered it, my email received the invoice and key. They changed their answer from needing a replacement disk to needing a replacement key all together. So I was forced to buy at full retail a new copy of 8.1. Thing is I couldn't use my student discount, because I apparently used it on 8 when I first ordered it. So I got scammed straight up by a company that is very anti-piracy. For my purposes I required a genuine copy of 8, because I was using it on a friends computer build. Anyways I learned from that day forward, Microsoft scams people since a google search showed that others had the same problem. In a single day it went from being valid and requiring a replacement disk to not being valid and requiring an entirely new key. 

This has happened to me before with other software. One example is when I legally bought parted magic, and was only permitted 5 downloads. This is exactly what game companies are doing with DRM and others as well. It is a method to steal/extort money legally. This is why piracy is absolutely fine in my book. I pay good money, I shouldn't be limited to 5 activations or 5 downloads. Neither should anyone else. That is why piracy is okay to do and should be legal. I purchased crysis. 3 times (albeit at a really cheap price of like 5 dollars). This is because I activated each license one too many times. I build computers like frantic and benchmark them all the time. I swap out system ssds on a monthly basis. I reinstall windows almost once a month. Until companies remove DRM, I won't buy the game unless it is 60% or more off on a sale. Otherwise I am not willing to pay full price on content that I know I don't actually own. I hope companies like EA understand this. Infact I know they do, but they dont give a fuck. Why else do they still sell console games? My friend doesn't take care of their disks, as many dont (for console), and so they are forced to rebuy the game at the same price less than a year after they already bought it. Easy pickings. 


People who have "internet addiction" (there's actually no such thing) just consume way more content than they can pay for, so they obviously pirate it. Pricing for digital content is adjusted for ordinary consumer who consumes very little.

If someone spends most of their free time consuming digital content, the amount of money it would take to legally acquire that content is usually way more than that person can afford. Not to mention that sometimes it's not even possible to legally acquire that content because of regional restrictions or content providers just not bothering to sell their content worldwide.

Piracy allows to people like those to consume all content that they want while paying as much as they can afford.

And no one will be able to stop those people from doing so. Companies can either embrace it (by, for example, providing subscriptions that allow for unlimited access to all content) or do nothing (because you can never beat copying with DRM).

When it comes to software though, it just takes reasonable pricing to eliminate the issue. When someone tries to sell me a piece of software for 50 euros while free alternatives exist, and on top of that, they will also charge additional 25 for upgrade to the next major version, I just know that I would never pay that amount of money. Some people need to get real.

My take on it: it would be nice if the breaking of a license agreement wouldn't be compared to boarding ships and killing crew members and passengers.

Yeah it's called framing: If you get the press & everybody else to use a word with a negative connotation, you might be able to steer the public opinion. Well it also might backfire just look at >>The Pirate Party<< who managed to enter the EU parliament.

Some History:

  • Forced "Made in Germany" label was introduced for German imports into the UK by the British after Wold war 2. It was meant as a warning label & it ended up as Quality-seal.
  • Homosexuals have owned the word "Gay" and "Queer" and likely will own the word "faggot" as well.
  • Geek & Nerd once was an insult, today its Badge of Honour, that is earned.
  • Scientists always used the word "Climate Change", However the public mostly used "Global Warming". Until the Republican Administration under George Bush popularized "Climate change" In an attempt to make it sound less dramatic & threatening. That backfired because the less emotional Word put the people in a frame of mind to actually evaluate the science. And that got things going. Now Republicans are back to calling it Global Warming, too little too late :)

The ridiculousness of comparing File-sharing with hard crimes such as murder and ship-hijacking, will weaken the argument of Intellectual Property enforcement proponents.

Lots of people already associate

  • "pirated-copy" with "just-works"
  • "legal-copy" with "drm-harassment"

"Piracy" of goods via 3D printers might end up as an effective tool of weakening big Corporations to re-establish Democracy.


Sir, hats off to you. Nice to see people who aren't blinded by corporate propaganda.