(a little bit vulgar) Why I hate the tech industry (and why I think I'm either too poor, too cheap, or too redarded to build a PC) (warning might be too long)

Read TL:TR at the bottom

It is been a very long time since I've posted because I thought that disconnecting from the internet for a while will make me focus on my college and it'll force me to work harder. Well guess what?! I was fucking wrong. My GBA takes a bigger shit on itself by the end of every semester, OH well. But that is not why I'm writing this. I just wanted to explain why I didn't post (assuming anyone remember me from my one and only thread, lol)

Here is why I'm writing this, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH nvidia and amd?! I mean for god sake. Why can't they just release the damn cards? Why the fuck do they have to create that BS hype? Just read my story and you'll understand.

My story:
My story began when a shitty pair of headphones of mine broke and I did a very long (non useful ) search on the internet, until I found Logan's video. I watched it on the last days Of May. 2014 about audio myths and then I finally bought the Sennheiser HD558. From that Video, I fucking loved the channel so much I LITERALLY watched EVERY video he uploaded in the Tek syndicate. The first video of him creepily staring at the camera with US flag wrapped on(?!) him. I learned a lot from watching all the videos,I started learning 3d modeling (until I discontented the internet for more than 1/2 a year) . I decided to try steam. Yep, I only knew steam existed in 2014. So I tried it on my laptop (carrying GT 635M ). Downloaded Dizzel and bought Mark of the Ninja (I love this game :D), warframe and many other games and I loved the experience and from there I decided to build my own PC. So I worked a full time job (while being full time student) and saved about a 1000$ only to know that titan x was released which I know wasn't worth it. I waited for this presumingly most epic card from AMD that is supposed to crush the titan X only for that hyped fury x (IT IS a great card but didn't live up to that BS hype) to be released, fuck me. I got angry because I had to give that money to help my dad pay some debts, nothing too serious just from friends and family. Then, I heard that HBM 2 will be used for the next node shrink in 2016 that will definitely be better than everything made from 28nm and now those motherfuckers will probably release 400/1000 gpu seriest with GDDR5/x, WTF??!!!! Now I I'm fucked, think about it, if I spent 1000$ or even half that on anything and nvidia and Amd decide to use NVLink and pcie 4.0 in 2017 that won't be compatible with x99, I'm fucked, most my parts is worth shit. Think about it, in 2017 there might a new HEDT platform, it fucking make sense.

I know I'm being obsessive, but I want the best parts, yet I'm afraid to spend a lot of money only for something that is significantly (a leap in the industry,HBM 2 that is) better to be released and I won't be able to use it on my system.

TL;TR I want to build an x99 (for gaming and 3d modeling) platform but I keep waiting and waiting for that dream fucking revolutionary card, but I'm afraid to build a system that is obsoleted in a couple of months sigh. Also I love tek syndicate :)


Just build whatever you can afford to build. There's no point waiting for the latest and greatest because there's always something better around the corner.

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NVLink is a server technology for inter-gpu communications, that won't be relevant on the consumer side from my understanding. Its for gpu's talking to each other when performing scientific calculations if my understanding of application is correct. I thought it was also confirmed that PCIE 4.0 won't be consumer for a long time. Something something its too expensive and not useful to the even enthusiast consumer. I mean if you run a 980 ti on a Pcie gen 2.0 by 8 connection, it performs just as well as if it was on a pcie gen 3.0 by 8 connection. Pcie isn't holding gpu's back right now, and its not likely that it will be with the next generation for games. Games don't need all that communication between gpu's, its just not needed.

Also, don't buy into the thing where they're talking about how pascal is a million times faster then maxwell. It looks like it will be a ton faster in the double precision standards that Nvidia craps out on currently, and will definitely be faster then Maxwell in games, but not a million times faster. That is some marketing bullshit, because it will be a lot faster at some calculations, but not the million percent improvement in games that some people are taking it as.

If your looking to buy X99, its not a bad time to buy in. It doesn't look like we're going to see a magical upgrade with Broadwell-E for the consumer oriented parts, so if you buy a 5820k or 5930k today, I would sleep happy that the investment was a good one. We're going to see server parts with a couple more cores than before, and a very high end consumer extreme edition with 10 cores for ludicrous amounts of money. Not something that would keep me from sinking money into the platform today.

Buy what you need to buy, don't try to go to much overkill. Like I got a GTX 960 because it's enough for me, I still play in 1080p and generally my games are not that much power hungry and I don't plan to have a VR in the next 2 years.

And there is not such thing as a revolutionary card. In a industry like electronic, huge step nowadays are rare because often they are a change of paradigm and most of the time it's incremental steps as cost of development are huge and you need to get funds in order to continue.

Plus, you must remove already that idea of futureproofing, it doesn't exist. Your system will be obsolete at some moment anyway, so just go with what you need for your actual workflow and what you can afford.

If you're just building a rig for the sake of JUST gaming, I see nothing wrong with buying slightly older hardware. I'm using a processor and motherboard at least two to three generations behind current, and 3 year old graphics cards, and I do fine. I've had to save up pretty hard to afford the hardware I have, but if you buy the right stuff within the right generation, you can overclock and push it and not have to worry about upgrading for a little while. You don't need a Titan X to play games at a decent framerate.

The best ways to destroy your wallet with this hobby is believing in future proofing and the idea that you have the best.
Even if you do have the best, it will ONLY be the best for a year tops.
That's why they sell titans. For the people that will to anything to have the best for a year.

Don't future proof either. It's not like your Titan or whatever will be obsolete in 4 years. It will still be a great card that can play 100% of things at high settings at 1080p. And you don't have to worry about that kind of stuff with CAD and whatnot.

I have a 980 Ti and an FX-8350 and I will be keeping the Ti for at least the next 3-4 years. The best thing you do for your wallet is to forget about keeping up with the bleeding edge. Watching Youtube channels where they get the parts free and seeing your friends or people on the internet post stuff about all the new stuff gets you really antsy about not having it and missing out on something. Ignore it and laugh at them for spending $650/year on new hardware.

Being jaded enough to not care about the bleeding edge is something that comes with time. You'll get there eventually; happens to everyone.


going by the title, the OP is shockingly not who i expected.

the only constructive thing i have to add is: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Like other have said, do a bit more research and stop speculating on future hardware, shit happens, look at Intel, they had problems going form 22nm down to 14nm and Broadwell was not readily available on desktop for a good while.
We all wanted the Fury X to tear the current Titan GPU apart.

Its not so much as AMD/nVidia/Intel building hype, they do their marketing and fans or extremest fans begin to create the hype, its you as the consumer who must decide whether or not you need the current hardware to do what you want with it.

Are you primarily gaming? If so, you are going to want to spend what you can afford for now and if its not what you expected, turn down some settings. Sure its fun to crank up everything to max but is it really worth the amount of detail you get going from high to ultra and applying the highest AA?
The main point is that, all the supposed upgrade and improvements are not massive at all. I will use Intel as an example, in the last 5 years, their processors have improved by 30% or so

If you got $1000 to spend, you are better off grabbing a current i5 or xeon processor and a mid to high range card such as a 980 or a Fury, or even step down to a 970 or 390X.

this is why i buy used pc parts

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Never worry about PCI generation. They are all so far completely backward and even cross solt compatible. The motto goes "if it fits in PCI it works in PCI". So don't worry about PCIe4. I am running PCIe2 and all is perfect, have not even saturated that bandwidth yet. So 3 is even way more than needed.

CPUs are going no where. You can still buy a 2500k and have 90% of the performance of modern systems, excluding x99, for gaming. So don't worry. If you go X99 now it will be as good as it is going to be for years and even if something amazing comes along legacy assures that it will be supported for well... Ever really until it is physically too slow to work.

Never buying into the next big thing hype wise or future proofing. The reality is that a few years ago hardware was technically obsolete two weeks after launch. Stuff is.moving faster these days so you could probably put it about a week before every thing you buy has a newer faster version coming out. Future proofing is an excersize in driving ones self crazy.

I've read a similar thread the other day, and I remember Qain saying that you should always do your research and never buy anything that you don't really need.
And future-proofing? That's impossible to do with today's hardware.

Yes always do your research before buying. I personally put more stock into the actual specs rather than benchmarks of parts (particularly GPUs). If a card has better hardware specs but performs on par or slightly worse than the competition in benchmarks (390 vs 970) then I'll pick the card with the better spec because that shows what the card is truly capable of... yes it needs some driver optimizations but those will come with time (at least on AMD).

The only thing you can buy in order to "futureproof" a system is a case imo. Although if they were to change all the standards regarding positions for screws/etc. (let alone creature comforts like usb ports, watercooling support, fan hubs, etc.) then even a case will be obsolete.

Just gonna whore myself out and leave this here...


Anyway, to give a TL;DR version of advice... don't. Just don't. Unless you have all the money you could ever spend on hardware and your bank account would barely notice how much you just pissed away on top end gear, DO NOT buy top end gear. It's a terrible price to performance ratio. Ferraris are meant for people that can afford to not care how ridiculously overpriced they are. That being said, if you're not in a situation where you need to be as thrifty as i talk about being in my video, just get higher end stuff that's available now. Get whatever you can afford now that is good quality and will suite your needs. You can't stay cutting edge; the market moves too fast.

It's not like HBM 2 and whatever NVIDIA and Intel shell out next year is going to make what is available now unable to play games or run Photoshop.

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thanks a lot to everyone that commented.

@thecaveman @thirdmortal
You're right. that BS hype is ruining my brain i guess,
Buying an x99 platform is definitely the best option for 3d workflow and gaming

@cityle I understand that there is no such thing as future-proofing and that no matter how much I spend on my build, it will be obsoleted one way or the other.
Hmmm, you know I guess I get :D

@Elvirth24 I know that titan cards are just a waste of money

@Zypher720 I wish not caring for what's new in the tech happened to me 1&year ago, oh well

@Goblin doing research always leads to a trap in the pc market since I ended at those benchmarking and new tech sites, I swear some one needs to make a plug-it to block these

@Theonewhoisdrunk @Zibob @Paul8491 thnx for the advice

@Tek_Elf thnx 4 the video, subbed and liked :D

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i'm going to have to disagree with that. not doing your own research leads to eleventy trillion Apple users.

I feel like that is the one downfall of building your own PC. It's easy to get caught up in the benchmarks and the numbers and whatnot, but at the end of the day, those don't mean anything to someone without the money for them.

@Goblin I have to agree with you about Apple, But I forgot that apple exist when I was writing my comment, no kidding
(There unwritten rule in my house (no apple products,except for a used ipad 2 to be used as a child toy lol),

@Elvirth24 Yup, you're absolutely right

I remember when Voyager flew by Neptune and Triton. I could not wait to see Pluto!!!!
Took NASA long enough!

lol xD, I think you commented on the wrong thread.