A lesson in life

Just want to tell yall that if you really believe in something you can achieve it. I petitioned my fiancee from another country, today was the day.(Judgement day) The stacks were against us for sure.. mostly due to my income not being enough.. but you know what? hard work.. dedication.. not taking no for an answer. You can do anything you set your mind to. Today it was approved.. against all odds. Just do it.



My experience is the exact opposite, but whatever at this point.


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Congratulations, I know how difficult that process is. Glad you didn't have to endure it not being approved, that's not a fun time.

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Yeah, I like this quote from Elon Musk - "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor", congratulations man, I wish you all the best!

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It is an important lesson.

However it is just as important to learn the difference between a necessary condition and a sufficient condition.

Dedication and perseverence are a necessary condition for success, but not a sufficient condition.

If hard work was a sufficient condition for success, almost everybody would be successful.

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Once upon a time, a pilot asked a beautiful princess, "Will you marry me?"............The princess said, "No!"

And the pilot lived happily ever after and flew jets all over the world and drove hot cars and chased skinny long-legged big-breasted flight attendants and hunted and fished and went to topless bars and dated women half his age and drank Weihenstephaner German beer and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and kept his house and guns and ate cold leftover meals, potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frickin' cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up........
The end.