A Fun Fact For You All

In our latest video here:

You can see wendell is pretty well in the frame. I’m not sure how tall he is, but he’s a giant. I’m 5’1". For this to work he was hunched over and I had the camera above my head as high as I could get it and the video be steady.

I wish I had a picture of me struggling! :rofl:


Knowing Wendell, that is not a small server rack, and he’s still nearly as tall as it is even when hunched over.

We appreciate your sacrifice.



" Boom camera movement

Also called the “crane shot” (given the camera is on a crane or jib), this high vantage point shot starts low and moves vertically in the air, ending with the lens pointing down on the subject.

An example of this is near the end of “The Shawshank Redemption.” When Andy escapes from prison in the heavy rain, he throws up his arms and the camera rises over him, giving us a sense of freedom."

And “boom!” youre taller.

Excerpt from:

I think the Shawshank example shot “crawled through a river of $#!+ and came out clean on the other side” analogy applies to a computer janitor.

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I shall commend you to your CEO for a pay rise. :relieved:

But I’m afraid his answer can be summarised in 0x10b letters :wink:


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Time to get a jetpack :smiley:

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use that difrence. Low angle shot is nice and it make’s the subject show more autority. And for situations that you want to do shots like this use a monopod with a screen to get higher. You will still have your mobility

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a 42u rack is about 6’3 (6’6 on Tinder)

so yeah…


proof :rofl:


But did Steve also take the Server Rack to teleport in like Wendell did?


Nope. He has yet to learn the magic spells to enable him to teleport, so Steve’s probably taken a plane. Although I’m quite sure he’s used a car during the journey :wink:

So for now, teleporting remains the exclusive domain for true uber-geeks like Wendell :man_mage:


They’re the only ones who know the proper incantations.
