Hey there everyone, I am going to finally get a decent computer soon, I've had enough of getting 15 FPS on minimum graphics Just Cause 2 and Chivalry gets 10 FPS in single player and crashes on multi player. On miniumum everything...
I've been stalking around the forums here, and since I haven't gone near building a PC yet, I have a few questions
1) Is it really THAT easy? I'm pretty sure I'll ask my friend who has done it before to help me, but another friend says it's super complicated. I'm sure he's just a retard (xD) as everyone else says it's simple, but if my friend was to say no to helping me, would it be very difficult?
2) Are Blu-Ray drives expensive? Pretty self explanitory.
3)What is overclocking? What are the downsides, I don't see why everyone wouldn't do it as it seems that all it does is increase processing power greatly for a bit of extra heat and energy.
4) Is it really that easy to upgrade? I won't be able to spend too much at first, and I'm nearly positive I would want to upgrade quite a lot, so is it simple?
5) I have no idea how much my budget will be, but I very vaguely estimate it will be somewhere around £380 to £500. I know it's a huge margin, but I think it will be somewhere in the middle. (I have £180, I think I'll be getting quite a bit from parents and grandparents, as well as a few £20s from relatives). What sort of games could I play with that? By the way, I have never had good graphics on my PC, so that's a good thing I guess. It doesn't have to be high graphics.
That would be all for now. Can you answer any questions you think I wouldn't know too, since I have probably forgotten them. Thanks a lot if you respond. Also, I don't think it would be too hard to respond, as I know most of you know your stuff :)