Some additional advice, determine what you want to do tech wise. Do you want to do software development, network engineering, cloud computing, hardware, or security? And inside each of these broad categories there are specialization niches. See if there are classes at A&M that match your interests. If not, see if there are classes similar to what you are interested in, take those and ask the professor if you can tailor your projects to match your interests. Regardless of whatever broad category interests you, you will more than likely have to do at least some coding. So that is probably your best starting point.
If you are interested in software development. I would definitely focus on Java, and learn it well. I have said this in a few other posts, and I will say it again Java is everywhere. A lot of the backend server code at Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and now Twitter is written in Java. Hadoop--scalable Big Data is Java, and Android App development is Java based.
If it has been a long time since you originally learned Java, a lot has changed. If Java 1.4 was the last version of Java you used, it will be a completely different language for you. Java 5 introduced generics, annotations, new concurrency libraries, and the for each loop just to name a few.
And Java 8 is coming out in a couple of months, which will again, radically change the language. Java 8 will add lambda expressions, Hadoop type of map-reduce streaming for Collections, and default method implementations to Interfaces--finally!
Once you have reacquainted yourself with Java, start to learn some Java server side technology, Android, or if you can, both. For server side technologies, learn Java EE, Spring, or Akka. Android development is very similar to Swing, so if you learned Swing when you first learn Java, the transition to Android development will be very straightforward.
If you want to be a web developer, then you have to learn JavaScript--JavaScript is NOT Java, it is a scripting language with similar syntax to Java. To be a web developer you basically need to know two things JavaScript and some server side technology: JavaScript and Java, JavaScript and C#, JavaScript and PHP, etc.
Good luck, and if you get stuck on anything Java related, shoot me an email, I am happy to help