A dedicated audio deviece

Dear(!) Logan,

In an episode of Tek, you told that you want to make an audio device which will play audio files very nicely. The good old ipod is vanishing, mobile phones are not good enough for our music and in the recent CES, The Sony's walkman is too expensive and Neil Young's Pono is not metal enough.


I want a dedicated audio device, And I think many of the members of this Glorious forum also want an audio device. So, as a concerned music lover, I am requesting you to think on this topic. And guys, wouldn't be a good decision if we have a friendly discussion regarding this matter ?

The Fiio X series DAPs are quite good, and expandable up to I believe 128gb.  They also contain the same amp/dac chips as their dedicated amp/dac line, so no need to buy a portable amp for your headphones.  They play lossless and high bit rate files as well.  Another option is the Cowon line of DAPs.  They also play high bit rate and lossless files, have a high quality dap, but I'm unsure of their power outputs, so amping may be necessary for high impedance headphones.

If you are looking for high capacity, you can always take an older HDD based DAP (iriver etc) and throw a 1.5" ssd into them and have a durable, fairly high quality player with a large capacity.

There's options out there.

Whats your budget? Because they vary a lot in price. 

Im a fan of Cowon devices, ive had a couple, all great. Support a lot of formats including high quality open formats, supports win, mac, and linux (officially yay!)