I know you guys already have a lot of channels and a lot of content that keeps you busy, but I had an idea that I thought would be a good fit for this community as a whole. A channel dedicated to educating and informing the audience about all the Corporate, Political, and Net Neutrality stories.
Yea, all that stuff gets covered already on a weekly basis on the The Tek, but I'm thinking something more similar to Linus's Tekquickie channel, except about Net Neutrality and things we can do to fight the good fight. Short, sweet, informative videos that cuts right to the point and teaches the viewer the core issues and what they can do about it. I know what Linus would say "SOOoooo, Logan decided to take a play out of the ol' Linus book an..." ... actually no one cares what he thinks really, and these topics are important.
I also know that for the time being the FCC seems to be on our side, but we all know the fight never ends and we have to stay on our toes... all the more reason this channel could become important. I'm a big believer in the open free internet and that it is simultaneously our greatest weapon, and the greatest educational tool ever invented.
This is just an idea for the future, I know hands are full but maybe some day when Tek Syndicate is a little closer to world domination.