A case Made of radiators?

was just thinking to myself,
how cool would it be if the actual pc case was side to side and front.
or at the least integrated rads into the frame somehow
like the front is a triple 240 mm

and the side would be triples stacked side by side like 4 long

where i have a door that has a window, that whole panel would be a rad

just trying to think of something custom and interesting
i was on a forum and reading that to keep the 5960x cool it needed about 6-8x 120mm worth of rad
(like 250 watts of power oc'd)
if you were to include a couple nice gpus in there too then you might as well have an excess
(my current pc needs like 3-4x 120mm worth of space and i have 9x in there just for the hell of it)

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That would be pretty... cool. (pun intended)

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I agree it's a good idea but conversely I add, why not a radiator built from cases?

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Interesting idea but I think that tubing and cabling would be messy.

i figure you just take a compressor to it like normal ?
well thats how i handle my pc and radiators at least

as long as the backplate is drilled out with atx holes in mind o dont see why itd be any harder than normal

i figure you have one input like, maybe where hdd slots are now, just have a g1/4 in and out on ether side
and yea
cabling is always a mess, but if we give enough space behind the mounting plate and the second wall behind it to route cables and whatnot along the edges and not all over the place, plus thatll help the airflow too
everyone seems to love the corsair air carbide case, sorta like that but a couple of the walls are just lines or rads ?>

buy few of those,

mount it outside your house/window wat ever. and pipe it back inside to your PC.
( just get waterpump for car or something and use it )
Have small aquarium as your reservoir.

done, now we are talking.

but that defeats the entire idea here

yeah, and its better.


I would think you would have too much head loss with that much tubing and radiators. This would result in a very large pump which would lead to much higher noise than would be necessary. However it would be interesting visually to see.

or maybe some thing like the Buick bug. See that black thing going around the top there. Yeah that's the rad. That would sell on a pc case. I know I would buy it. Even chip in more to get it painted like the bug.

im already running through 9x 120 rad space plus cpu and gpu blocks the mcp655 is a champ

freaking . sweet.



what about if the case was just one piece like a big box shaped radiator

I just stopped reading after this. When any idiot suggests this he doesn't know what the heck he is doing or he wants to run Noctua low rpm fans on 7 volt or something because it's ridiculous.

anyways why use a radiotor case when you can do this http://www.techpaparazzi.com/aquarium-computerfish-tank-pc-mineral-oil-submerged/

someone seems pretty aggressive about the subject...

You could build mostly out of radiators, it would be expensive, and would take tons of work to make the frame. Really as a practical matter you don't need it. 6-8 120mm worth of rads to cool a single processor would be insane; a single 480mm rad set up right can take off 800-1200 watts of heat. the general rule is for each component you need 120mm worth of rad space +1 extra. So for a CPU and a single graphics card you would ideally want a 360mm rad or larger. Also keep in mind that the more components you add the more powerful pump will be required and in some cases more then one pump will be needed to produce the head pressure required for safe flow rates. Also keep in mind that there is a point at which having extra rads will not improve temps by any meaningful amount due to the inability to move heat off components at the rate of heat dissipation. diminishing returns are a thing.

quote from linked thread
I'm running specs below with 3-480 rads (2 are XSPC RX480 v3 version and the other is EK Coolstream 480 PE), I'm running a XSPC Twin D5 Bay res with 2 D5s in series running at level 4 (5 max)
my 5960x is OC'd to 4.4Ghz on an Asus ROG Rampage Extreme V
it 's vcore set to 1.31. I'm using an EK Supremacy EVO cpu block.

I ran Aida 64 (licensed version) stress testing cpu/fpu/cache/system memory for over 1 hr and recorded the following temps for components. Temps are min/max/average

MB 30/33/30.1
CPU Overall 28/59/52.7
Core#1 32/69/56.5
2 31/65/54.9
3 32/73/61.1
4 31/67/56.9
5 33/73/59.3
6 31/67/56.5
7 32/70/57.3
8 30/61/51.9

CPU core Voltage min 1.312 max 1.328