Give me your most harshest criticism you've ever given anyone teksyndicate.
Core - i7-4770k
Motherboard - MSI Z87-GD65-Gaming
Video card - Gigabyte 4gb GTX 770
Case - H440
Power - Toughpower 80+ Gold 750
HDD - WD Green EZRX 1TB (x2 raid 0)
RAM - 8gb KIT 1600 Kingston HyperX
SSD - HyperX SSD 240gb
CPU cooler - Hyper 212X
Soundcard - Xonar DX
Grand total of $2120.
1. Tell me if you know any similar parts but less expensive, or just generally any way to tone down my pricing. Keep in mind I live in Australia, so forget about amazon buying, the shipping cost is fucking 100 extra bucks
2. I have another mother board up for the choosing, that is the GA-Z87X-UD5H, it is a gigabyte motherboard and it's very similar, more expensive but the same brand as the GPU. I've heard that picking the same brand GPU and mobo makes the world of a difference but I'm not to sure.
3. I was looking at the i7-4771 but it was a locked multiplier chip so I went with the i7-4770k, for the future when games start getting bigger and really intense, is this a bad move? The i7-4771 is cheaper so...
4. Can I get some input from you guys that have tried PC's with and without soundcards? Is it really that great?
5. I have two 1680x1050 screens, I actually need help on how to split DVI-D ports to two monitors
EDIT: Before you ask what I'm going to be doing with this rig; everything. Yes that's right, music mixing and making, video editing, gaming, small server hositng (especially concerned with 16 player arma2/3 servers), etc etc. Apsalute budget of $2500 and perhaps slightly over, would like it to be around 1850-2000