Hi there guys!
So a friend of mine just send me a list of parts he put together and I thought it would be a good idea to get your input on this build. I transferred it to pcpartpicker.com and changed some things. I did a quick search and there seem to be slightly better AMD/Radeon builds, but most of the time over budget.
I think the main goal for him is to be able to play CS:GO at around 60fps on decent settings, so yeah the build should focus on decent gaming performance. Peripherals can be ignored since he's got all he needs. No overclocking or fancy cooling stuff although quietness is always welcome. The budget would be 500 Euros max. NVIDIA graphics are preferred as far as I know, but I am sure he's open to alternatives. We're both noobs in the building business...
TL;DR List http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/wyH2gs
Budget: 500 Euro
Country: Germany
Focus: 'casual' gaming (primarily CS:GO @~60fps, maybe GTA V on medium)
Not needed or No interest in: OS, peripherals, overclocking, water cooling
So yeah, I think that's about it. Please let me know what you think, I am quite sure that there's a lot of room for improvement on that build. Thank you very much in advance!