A budget PC?

So, after building my new gaming PC (that I have not yet regretted one single second), I decided that I'd need a new solution to do some basic things on, using browsers doing a bit of work with Microsoft office here and there and that's all, so basically I could just run into the store and grab parts that I'd think that's good but I am not willing to risk at this moment since I just made my first build happen a few weeks ago.

So, I need some build suggestions (part lists) for a micro-atx budget system.

Here's some information that might be usefull

- The budget should be around 350 - 400 euros or less.

- There no need for some heavy GPU, possible even none.

- The PC will be used as a basic workstation, nothing heavy such as rendering will be done on it.

- The PC doesn't need any "nice looks" in any way, it just needs to work decent and "fast"

- There's no need to add an OS in the list, I got myself a fresh copy of windows already!

Thanks for the help,


If you're looking for something that just going to send email and run Microsoft Word, then this should be more than plenty:  http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3au16  It's not going to be anything fancy, but it'll be plenty fast for basic things.  It's $385 (~276 euro), and you could even save a bit of money by downgrading the processor to an A8 if you really didn't the power.