A big thank you to the Tek Syndicate Linux Community

I would just like to take the time to thank you guys for being the community that has a perfect mix of approachable-ness and knowledge.

Seeing everyone on here that knew what they were talking about inspired me to make the plunge to linux.

After trying Fedora, Debian, ubuntuGNOME, ubuntuMATE, Kali, crunchbang, and a few others I can't remember, I have settled on openSUSE with a GNOME desktop environment that I have customized to be more suited for my three monitors.

These past few week of just starting in linux have been amazing. I have learned so much, and am ready to learn much more. 


Keep being great! 


P.S. The command line is awesome!

Thanks for the comment. The whole Linux community here loves it when we can give back to the community. OpenSuse is an excellent choice. And I love gnome 3 too. I hope your travels in Linux are good and learning.

OpenSUSE is a good choice for a beginner (or anyone really). Most of the time people in the free software/open source community are pretty helpful, seams like thats reflected here quite well. 

Remember as well as the forums, im pretty sure theres a couple of Linux pepple on mumble (top right^) and IRC

Keep learning.

Cant wait till I am ready to try Gentoo or Arch

Fire up a VM and try installing Arch, it's pretty straightforward. If you have a general concept/framework for how a Linux install works, it should be relatively easy for you.

The steps are basically: Partition > Configure repos > Install base system > Configure Locale, Timezone, Hostname > Configure accounts > Boot

from my experience though, sometimes the install fails and you have to start over.

I'll be right here learning with everyone. I have the rest of the parts for my new PC coming in soon and Linux is getting it's own SSD. I'm not going to pretend to be a master of Linux. I'll be in here asking questions too. Then I'll be making some videos to help those who want to learn as much as I do.

Looking forward to it!~

Now that I think of it, the video that made me come check out the forum and actually use it was the video you guys did with Eric S. Raymond. I was so inspired that immediately after watching it I started experimenting with distros and learning. I find it funny how I learned so much more in the past week with linux, than I have any other time I tried it. I am not sure if it is because I am more  experienced than before with computers in general, or because I was inspired and felt the need to do something to contribute.

This: http://youtu.be/cRX_lD6AEDs

Is an excellent guide to installing Arch. Using it on 3 computers [server / torrent / mediaPC], main rig along side Win8.1 which mainly exists for games and my laptop I use daily at university.

If you use UEFI, there's plenty of info on the ArchWiki to get it working [unless you got a Vaio Pro 13 as I do, possible, but horrible.]

There's also a 2nd part to the video explaining how to get a GUI running [very very simple], and have a few more configurations.

I can only recommend it, especially when working with arch, you really get some insight into how your PC works. I learn something new about my Linuxboxes everyday :D


Speaking of learning Linux, you mentioned Nixie Pixel on the last Tek, are you planning to have some collaborative videos with her? Would be awesome, really like her content but she gets ignored way too hard =P

I like her, but her videos are kinda boring, at least for someone, who's not completely new to Linux. I would love to see her doing something more interesting. Anyway collaboration video would be pretty cool!

I have a feeling, that this is gonna be a great year for Tek Syndicate and OSS community as a whole. Keep up the good work, I can't wait for your insight, and your personal experience with GNU/Linux. Which distro(s) are you gonna install on you new rig?

Honestly no one (not even Torvalds) is a master of Linux. There are simply those who know what they're talking about, and those who don't. Before you build your rig you may want to wait another couple weeks as AMD will be releasing their 390x with stacked memory technology that is soposedly 5x faster than GDDR5.

Indeed. The Tek community is huge. If Logan starts using Linux, others will follow.

Nice to read that! DO something and solve just occuring problems is mainly the best approach. It is unbelievable how much you can learn in a short period of time.

Also have jumped on the Linux train over this past year and have "seen the light". I now put up with windows only because I need it for gaming.

This is an excellent opportunity to get more people onto Linux - by having well-known youtubers and tech community leaders start learning and using Linux to show everyone what it's really like and show people it's not as hard to learn as many people think. :)


Linux is so fun to use isn't it :D I just started using it as my daily a few weeks ago.

I've been using linux off and on since 2007, ubuntu was my first experience with linux. These days I still feel tied down to windows with gaming, visual studio and a few other programs. The only time i use linux is on a thinkpad in class. This year i'm really determined to free myself from the bondage of windows and only use it on a limited basis in a vm. Once tax returns come along i'm getting a 500gb samsung evo, throwing linux mint or some variant of debian on and taking a full plunge. 

learning linux here too !