A- 1440p pannel has green tint

So I bought an A- Pannel from Dream Seller like logan recomended (X-Star one, PLS) and it has a noticable green/yellow tint.

I've turned down the green in Nvidia settings but I'm not sure what else could I do to fix this issue?

I don't really want to RMA it since I don't think I would get a refund and its still in working order. 

I think it might be the cable, any ideas?

look at the dvi connector on the monitor very, very carefully

you may have a loose pin in the connector. swap around ends of the dvi cable in terms of which end is on the monitor, and which is on the Pc


I did that, got slightly better image quality. I've ordered a new one from monoprice. You think that will do the trick? 

get a very bright light and a magnifying glass and make sure there is not packing lint, fibers, etc in the connector at the monitor side or on the cables. use your phone camera maybe and see if you can take some high res macro shots to see if any of the pins are messed up


what should I be looking for? also how would I remove lint if their is any?


Ok update.

I air blasted both things cable and monitor connector. Its made the greenesss slightly better, seems their was a tiny bit of lint in the cable, but its still a tad on the green side, but it seems alright if I use Nvidia settings to lessen the greens (could also be that I'm very used to panels with a cool tint) 

thanks for the help Wendell, feel free to drop anymore suggestions you might have (aside from dropping the PCB in the oven like you guys did)