Hi, I've been thinking about upgrading to the gtx980ti, but one of my friends brought up the fact that under load it will heat up to about 85 degrees celcius, which got me concerned. Is the heat a significant problem and can/will it lower the lifespan of the card?
Maybe for the reference model. But it's nothing to be concerned about. Before I swapped out the reference cooler on my Titan X for the EVGA hyrbid cooler, I was hitting high 70's low 80's on my core and I didn't have any issues. Buy an after market card like the Gigabyte Windforce or my personal preference the EVGA hybrid and you'll be set.
Depending on ambient temps 85c is about normal under load.
The G1 gameing 980ti is the coolest card out there staying around 70-75c underload (a 980ti is rated for upto 100c so 85c isent anything too drastic)
This is hilarious. Some complaining about the temps from and nVudia card. Oh the laughs I cannot hold back.
But back on topic. An aftermarket cooler will help a lot, it is usually only reference that have to deal with high temps. That being said hitting 85 under really heavy load is normal enough, but I personally don't like them getting much higher than 70, just to keep me sane when playing.
There is also custom fan curves you can set.
One thing to keep in mind is the fact that GPU Boost 2.0 will boost until a certain temp is reached and adjust the core clocks accordingly.
Yeah if you get one use one of the programs to set the preferred temp lower. I have my gtx 780s run at 75 through evgas program and it works perfectly.
My 980ti (msi gaming) runs at 83c with a 1.43 clock. It's a toasty card but nvidia cards seem to be able to handle a bit of heat, I think the fact that any of the 100c+ 480's are still alive is proof.