980ti sli 5820k a bottleneck?

Well as the title suggests I'm curious how this would work out and should I consider changing cpus?

The cpu is ocd to 4.4 at 1.2v right now.

The 2 cards would be msi lightning 980tis

There's nothing you could change it to that would reduce a CPU bottleneck, and it shouldn't be much of a bottleneck anyways

most you could do is hope for a decently binned 6700K that can be stable higher than 4.4ghz otherwise they have about the same IPC

Depending on the resolution.

THe only way to reduce the bottleneck, is to crank up the resolution as high as possible.
I would only recommend a dual 980Ti if you plan to game on 4k.
Because on 1080p, the scaling will not be that great in allot of games, due the lack of cpu power.
Upgrading the cpu will not help you realy much.
Of course the scaling depends from game to game.

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I would assume he's running at 4k, otherwise I don't know why he would run things at 1080p, maybe on a surround set up with 3 displays, but that would be 1440px3 if he could afford 2 980tis

No chance... and even if it was there is no significant upgrade you could do to alleviate it.

If you want to make sure, pull up something that will tell you your CPU and GPU utilization like GPU and your Task Manager, watch the utilization on a second monitor while you play something maxed out.

If your CPU is at 100% and GPU isn't, it's a good sign of a CPU bottleneck and vice versa.

If you don't have a second monitor, hook up a television or something temporarily.

There are some graphics benchmarks out there (forget the name) which are single threaded and definitely create a CPU bottleneck with a far less GPU load, but the reality is that every game and benchmark out there multithreads to a certain degree, certainly enough to alleviate most bottlenecks. And with an OC'd 5820K, I think you'll be more than fine.

EDIT: What MysteryAngel said is very true too. If you have a CPU bottleneck, you could just ramp up your GPU load.

Here is a good video that Logan did, to give you some impression of how the scaling is with a GTX980 Sli on 1080p and 1440P with a 5960X.

As you can see, on 1440P Logan gets some pretty good scaling from his GTX980´s, in some games.
But at 1080p the scaling isnt that hot in allot of games.
And this is only with GTX980´s keep that in mind.
Ofc the scaling also highly depends from game to game.

Upgrading your 5820K isnt realy going to help you very much.

Hey guys I appreciate all the input. I think I'll stick to one for now then. Only gaming at 1440p on a single monitor. I was just curious because a buddy of mine bought a lightning around the time I got mine but doesn't care for the size of it. He's switching to dual titans on water and was gonna throw the other one my way for a steep discount. But even at his price I can't justify needing it.

Should buy a 4k display and get some real use out of your GPUs

Waiting till after the holidays. A bit tied up on cash right now and as much as I'd love to sli and buy a 4k display I don't think I could quite swing it. Times are slow at work so I kinda have to be a bit more careful on spendings.

Wait you haven't bought the 980tis yet?

I have one.

UHMM? how is that a bottle neck and on what games are you experiencing that with? I mean the 5820K is currently one of the fastest CPU's on the market for gaming that and you have two 980 ti's which wont be bottlenecked. Please describe why you think its bottle necked

depends on the resolution realy, at 4k there wont be much of a bottleneck indeed.
But at 1080p, there will definitely be a bottleneck, especialy in cpu demending games.
BUt like i said upgrading the cpu isnt going to help you in anyway.

That does not make much since gathering that 1920*1080 uses less resources. If anything I expected no bottle neck at all. The only CPU's I know that bottleneck things are the i3s and all of the AMD chips

It was a theoretical question. The limited gains at 1080p with 2 980tis makes it ridiculous to have 2 of them. And if you're only playing at 1080p any gpu overclocking on that kind of card would show very limited gains.

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Exacly. thats my point.
Even if you trow a 5960X at 4.5Ghz to it, it wont make much of a diffrence at all.
load on the cpu is not going to change much if you up the resolution.

My friend has this exact setup for running 1440p at 130-140 FPS. I'll ask him what his experience is. I know he has OC'd the CPU and not the GPU's. That's all I know for now.

1920x1080 uses less GPU resources this is indeed true. Therefore the variance in performance is more down to the CPU as in a lower resolution what is more likely to bottleneck performance is a CPU intensive load. The higher the resolution, the cpu becomes less of a limiting factor, and the gpu becomes the limiting factor.

As @MisteryAngel has said, it depends on the resolution. Gaming with a 5820k at 4k the limiting factor will be the gpu performance, not the CPU if i've understood correctly.

exactly, you will see a much better gpu utilization at 4k, with sli 980Ti´s, then you would see at 1080p.
Ofc newest AAA games nowdays do become more and more gpu demending, even at 1080p, so the gpu utilization with dual gpu setups will get better and better.