970 Chipset Visher Update

I have read reviews in motherboards using the 970 chipset, I am on a tight budget for my motherboard and think the Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 is suited for my new PC. But some people say that the motherboard needs an update as it is not ready for the Vishera processors out of the box (AMD FX 6300) and in order to update the motherboard you need to buy another CPU that is compatible for the motherboard out of the box which was the AMD Sempron and then update the BIOS for the motherboard and after all that put the more expensive CPU (AMD FX 6300) back into the motherboard.

So my question is, do i need to buy a compatible CPU and put it into the ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0, update the motherboard, then put the original CPU back in??? I dont want to do that because the cheapest AMD CPU that is compatible with the motherboard is £30 and that would increase my budget for something i will throw away when im finished with it.

P.S: I heard that using the disk which comes with the Motherboard is outdated and will not allow the BIOS to be updated to allow the AMD FX 6300 to work in tandem.

Thanks in advance.

You can sell the Sempron on Ebay and get some of your money back more than likely. I wouldn't throw it away even if I wasn't going to sell it being you never know if a friend might be in need. Your FX 6300 could be DOA or just fry up and you'll need something that'll allow you to at least use the computer while you're waiting for your new CPU.

I know I can get a AMD Sempron but i dont want to spend more money, my question was is there a way to update the BIOS without the AMD Sempron?

the Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 supports the FX6300 out of the box. no bios update needed.

However the Le is not realy the best mobo to buy. the problem with this particular mobo, is that it does not has a vrm heat spreader, so  the vrm´s etc are realy getting hot.

I would recommend the Asus M5A97 R2.0 instead.

Grtz Angel ☺

I'm not sure if there is. I think you can save up a bit more for the Sempron though. Listen to what Angel said. She knows this more than me :P

that is exactly what i have (M5A97 R2.0), out of the box worked amazing. i just change the cooling to a Corsair A70 i had laying around. never failed me once. Love it