970/980.. can I do it?

Hey all, I really need some help atm. I've got some money for my bday and want to upgrade my GPU. I have a Dell XPS 8700 (I know, hit me with a stick, I bought a pre-built) and was wondering if I did get a 970/980 will they be compatible with the parts I have right now? I will have to get a new PSU but not sure about anything else. :/

Here are my specs:
Core i5 4440
12 GB DDR3
NVIDIA GeForce GT 635
PSU 460W

The cards I'm looking at: let me know if there are any that are better :)
Gigabyte 980
Gigabyte 970
EVGA 970

I'm also going to have to probably upgrade my case since there's no way I can fit it into my current one, (pictures below) so what would be a cheap yet reliable case to get aswell? Images of the internals

If you would like to know what I want to get these cards for that'd be Fallout/Skyrim with mods, Elite Dangerous, Shadow of Mordor, Witcher 3, and generally to be up to par with the new release of games that will be coming.

I'm excited and overwhelmed at the same time, I just don't want to mess up even though it's probably inevitable. Thanks guys!

You could continue to use the case if get a card that uses the reference design or any other card that exhausts its heat out the back of the case, otherwise go with the best thing you can afford and you really really really need to upgrade that psu if you do.

GOOD PSU (80+ is pretty good but work within your budget HOWEVER, get a reputable brand that has good real reviews and is at least 20% more than what you need to account for oc'ing headroom/cap degradation)

Cheap case that will work well $40

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Any high end gpu will fit your build provided you get the new case and good psu.
Obviously a 980 would be the preferred way to go, budget permitting. Nothing wrong with a 970 or r9 290 if you want AMD.
http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/#view=qdwKHx - 970, gold modular psu, fractal case

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Thank you so much! I'm going with this now, you've been a real help man!

You've really cleared up the waters for me. Thanks for helping me out man!