currently OCing my cpu with amd's overdrive software figured i could paly with it for a bit, and after some tweaking i got it too 3.7ghz my cpu tem never goes over 45C and core temp never over 43C. under a full load, did i achieve a good OC? never done it before after an hour stress the temps stay there and there is honestly nothing i do that fully maxes my cpu i dont render shit or anything... Also i didnt change voltage since that just adds het and it already had enough any ways after the full hour is up here in a few what clock should i try next? my cooler is a hyper 212 plus in an HAF 912 case.
It's not a crazy OC since the 965 comes stock at 3.4 (I think). When overclocking however, you should gradually go higher until your CPU reaches it's limit... 3.8 is your next target.
thanks man will do and post results.. yes you are corect it comes stock 3.4...
You should be able to hit 4.0 with that setup if you have a some what decent chip, higher if you got lucky.
Don't go above 1.45v on air, it's asking for trouble.
thanks i hadnt checked my post in a while and was jsut going to ask this... also anyone know what good temps would be i heard you should be careful with phenom series at about 58 to 60C max so if im only pulling a 44C under full load in overdrive stability test i should be good to go higher right? at 3.8 now. would really like to hit 4 but i dont want to buy a new cooler maybe a few more case fans whould help? or add a second fan to my 212 plus heatsink? thanks guys!
oh also my standard voltage is 1.45... should i possibly lower it? or keep it there if im moving to 4 ghz anyways?newbie to OCing here
You should not need 1.45v for a 3.8GHz OC...
Also, installing higher air flow fans on your Hyper will help quite a lot. If you don't mind the noise, I had good results with two Antec Double BB fans.
Try to stay under 50c full load, that way you won't have issues. But I did push mine up to 70c so see what it could do. Just be carefull and ready to kill it all. Having a can of duster around to cool the CPU after shutdown is also a good idea... upside-down it will shoot icy liquid duster... spray that on the cooler (not the mobo or CPU).
ok thanks i really do wish to lower my volatge this amd overdrive is a brilliant program... thanks for all your help tiki and others.. plan on dropping voltage to 1.375 i read thats a good placve to start plus cutting those volts will lower temps pretty far.
update! I cut volts to 1.375 and kept core clock at 3.8ghz max tamp full load is 42C thanks for all the tips my next target is 4GHz im going to try and hit it with out raising the volts much maybe just one click up to about 1.38 or 1.39.. i may have an absolutley golden 965 on my hands but only time will tell.
For any interested my 965 is currently running at 4 GHz on 1.375v max temp after 2 hours torture test is 43 average 41.5 C