Now that the price for the 9590 is lower. What do you think about getting a 9590?
meh, not much of an upgrade; money can go into other things to improve performance more.
I rather put money into a r9 285 crossfire.
Stay, the 9590 is basically a highly overclocked 8350 - and hot.
Pick up a larger power supply and an R9 270/270X/HD 7870 for crossfire. Alternatively, you could just pick up a GTX 970 or other single high end graphics card.
If you got a decent chip and that H80 is up to it you may be able to push that 8350 to 9590 speeds. I know my 8350 will run at 5.0Ghz-5.2Ghz fairly happily on my Sabertooth with a Kraken X60. So no need to go to the 9590 if you can hit those speeds with your chip as they are the same just different clocks. However, upgrading to the 9590 won't give you huge gains. Especially in games.
It would be my recommendation to get one single more powerful GPU. Like a 970.
Just stick with an 8350. A 9590 is essentially an overclocked 8350, so if you want to try and hit 5Ghz with yours just get some good cooling and go for it. Honestly the 9590 really doesn't have a place in the market, its a massively fast and power hungry CPU that runs extremely hot. I'd rather have an 8350.
Stay with an 8350 and OC it to 5.0ghz!
I will stay with a 8350, but I don't know where a video is for Overclocking on a sabertooth 990fx r2. 0.
yeah, buy a decent liquid cooler and overclock the hell out of it!
another option... get the 9590, underclock to your current frequency and enjoy better core voltage and temps.
Sometimes different things are more important to different people :)
getting 5ghz on an 8350 is an exception and not the norm, especially for 8350's produced after amd started binning for the factory overclocked cpu's
Beyond 4.2 ghz, you're not going to notice much of a performance boost, and will see a dramatic increase in heat and power consumption.
So, I would keep the FX-8350; the money would be better spent elsewhere. If you lack an SSD, go for that, otherwise, put it towards a better video card.
it's the same chip, same manufacturing process.... all the 9590 is guaranteed >B+ silicon...