Hey guys i've spent long time working on this and getting a lot of help from people here especially a shoutout to 'Sheepinacart' for helping me out a ton.
We've finally come across this final build and i would love to here feedback and/or suggestions before i buy it.
here it is : http://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/Yooittee/saved/2QvI
I'm also buying two extra fans, WiFi and 2 SATA Cables. I already have a HDMI cable and if their is anything else i need please let me know! Thanks in advance!
IF anyone is interested in doing this build. I'm buying from pccasegear.com.au and in total with the extras and shipping/insurance etc it comes to $1070.
if you haven't already bought the stuff, you may want to take a look at this rig. The gpu is better, although the case is less of an extreme asthetic. Also, i wouldn't restrict to those places for buying. you can get a pretty great deal from other places, and limiting to those places will limit how good of parts you get. ultimately, if you really want to limit to those places, your build will likely cost less than the one i put together.
It has a meager 4+1 power phase design that I would only recommend for up to something like an FX-6350. The one I've recommended has a 6+2 power phase design that is much stronger, and can handle the FX-8350 along with some overclocking.
Should be able to, if you're playing at around 1080p.
For Vram and base clocks and stuff, it really depends. Different architectures have different characteristics.
In general, higher clocks are faster, and more VRAM helps with higher resolutions. Having more VRAM also helps because games can learn to optimize for more VRAM. Most games right now optimize for around 2GB of VRAM, but as we can see with BF4, 3GB is recommended.