Hello my name is steven i am tring to build the best computer i can for 900 aussie dollars which i plan to upgrade with two nvidia quatro graphics cards at the end of next year as i am a 3d artist and want to start to get serious about doing 3d and gaming as well as some content creation i already have 8gb of ram but i need everything else including a case.
That's the best I could do in that price range with your quadro upgrade in mind, but it would be a lot better if you could spend a couple hundred extra for the 4790k. Or put off the build until you have that money, or or get a little old pentium g and swap it out for a 4790k when you get the quadros and use the pentium in a home theatre or backup PC.
cool thanks. i am working with an old dell precesion t3400 with a quadro fx 1700 so i will try to get some extra cash togeather to up the price bracket thanks again for your help mate